
Re:SATAdrivehotswapping.Whatkindofsatacontrollerareyouusing?Onlymotherboard'sonboardSATAcontroller,anASUSZ690family ...,YesTPS25947deviceisaefusedevicewhichhavedvdtprotectionfeaturetomanageinrushcurrentmakingitsuitableforhotswapapplications.,Hotswappingisthereplacementoradditionofcomponentstoacomputersystemwithoutstopping,shuttingdown,orrebootingthesystem.,Thisarticleexplainsthefunctionandbasi...

SATA drive hot swapping Kernel & Hardware Arch Linux Forums

Re: SATA drive hot swapping. What kind of sata controller are you using? Only motherboard's on board SATA controller, an ASUS Z690 family ...


Yes TPS25947 device is a efuse device which have dvdt protection feature to manage inrush current making it suitable for hotswap applications.

Hot swapping

Hot swapping is the replacement or addition of components to a computer system without stopping, shutting down, or rebooting the system.

Understanding, Using, and Selecting Hot

This article explains the function and basic operation of a hot-swap controller and some of the schemes used to control inrush current.

Example of Hot-Swap Circuit Design Process

The ADM1177 hot-swap controller consists of three main components (Figure 2): an N-channel MOSFET that serves as the main power-control switch, a sense resistor ...


Storage Expansion featuring 88 Hot-Swap Disk Drives. Can be set up to have one, two or four Project Olympus 1U Server Head Nodes for 88, 44, or ...

eFuses and hot-swap ICs

Hot-swap power management ICs are designed to control and protect electronic loads, reducing ownership costs of electronic devices and appliances.

AMD EPYC Server with Ubuntu - Enable SATA Hot

On AMD EPYC Server platforms (both Rome and Milan), hot-swap from SATA does not work with the default configuration of Ubuntu 22.04 LTS or Proxmox VE 7.x.


熱插拔(英文:hot swapping或hot plugging),又稱熱抽換,即「帶電插拔」,指可以在電腦運作時插上或拔除硬體。配合適當的軟體,便可以在不用關閉電源的情況下插入或拔除 ...